The Triangle Series is a schooling show series hosted by several farms in the Southeast Pennsylvania region. Our series runs from January through November, and offers great competition in a fun, welcoming atmosphere!
Check out the site menu at the right side of the page for all the information you need to join us… for a single show, a mid-season tune up, or the entire season.
If you want to be completely up on the events in the Series right now, go to the SHOW SCHEDULE section of the site– you won’t miss a thing!
If you want to see what the Series is offering this year for you and your horse, check out the PRIZE LISTS section. We offer Hunters & Equitation and Dressage shows. Come join us!
Membership in the Triangle Series is a great value. To learn how to register for Series End points and get a discount on entry fees, visit the MEMBERSHIP section of the site!
Pre-registering for shows is another great way to enjoy a discount on show entry fees. For information on advance registrations, click on the SHOW REGISTRATION section of the site.
Each of our participating farms are a lot of fun, and the shows they host have their own unique character. Visit the PARTICIPATING FARMS section of the site to get contact information for our host farms, and to see what we’re offering throughout the season!
If you’ve shown in the Triangle Series, or you know someone who has, check out the RESULTS section of the site for results from the shows. If you’re not there . . . you should be!
And finally, if you absolutely cannot be bothered to worry about the rest of it, and need to know what’s going on today, visit the LATEST NEWS section of the site. We promise it doesn’t get more current than that!
Thanks for visiting our site, and please continue to check in with us for the most up to date information on the shows and barns in the Series.
We look forward to seeing you this season!